Georgia Governor Brian Kemp Rejects 2024 Presidential Bid and Urges Republicans to Avoid False Election Fraud Claims

In a recent interview with CNN's Kaitlan Collins on "The Source," Georgia Governor Brian Kemp made it clear that he will not be running for president in 2024. Additionally, he cautioned fellow Republicans, including frontrunner Donald Trump, about the detrimental effects of perpetuating baseless claims of election fraud from 2020 on their chances of winning Georgia.

Governor Kemp emphasized that if Trump continues to propagate such claims, it would result in losing Georgia in the upcoming November elections. Regarding his own aspirations for the 2024 presidential race, Kemp stated that he is content with his current position and believes that having multiple candidates in the race would not contribute to defeating President Joe Biden. However, he acknowledged that the dynamic nature of politics could present opportunities in the future.

While Kemp refrained from endorsing any specific candidate at this stage, he emphasized the importance of Republicans clearly articulating their policy positions and outlining their plans for the future. He stressed the need for forward-thinking and stated that the candidate who can effectively defeat Joe Biden in November should be the party's nominee.

Kemp also confirmed that he would undoubtedly endorse the Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election, even if it happens to be Donald Trump. Responding to Collins' question about Trump's chances of winning Georgia after losing by a narrow margin in 2020, Kemp expressed confidence in Trump's prospects due to President Biden's low popularity in the state. However, he cautioned that Trump needs to focus on the present race and refrain from dwelling on the past. According to Kemp, the American people are more interested in hearing candidates' plans to counteract what they perceive as detrimental policies enacted by the Biden administration.

The Georgia governor reiterated that continuing to espouse false claims of election theft would lead to losing Georgia in November. Kemp emphasized that the public's concern lies in knowing what candidates intend to do, rather than rehashing past events.

Kemp further stated his belief that winning Georgia is crucial for Republicans to secure the presidency. He stressed the necessity of fielding a candidate who can both win the state and defeat Joe Biden, as a failure to win Georgia would hinder any Republican's chances of occupying the White House.

Tensions between Kemp and former President Trump have persisted for several years, stemming from Kemp's refusal to overturn Biden's victory in Georgia. Trump has repeatedly criticized Kemp publicly since then, and he even attempted to rally support against the governor in the 2022 GOP gubernatorial primary by endorsing David Perdue. Nevertheless, Kemp emerged victorious in the primary and ultimately defeated Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams in the general election.

Kemp clarified that he was not upset with Trump but rather committed to upholding the law and the Constitution. He emphasized that these principles transcend any individual, including Donald Trump, and are fundamental to the Republican Party's values.

When asked about the potential of other GOP candidates defeating Trump, Kemp acknowledged that national polling has remained relatively static. However, he noted that Trump's rivals are gaining momentum, and the race is still far from over.

Kemp specifically commented on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' entry into the Republican primary, noting the challenges he faces due to high initial polling numbers. Kemp expressed the view that DeSantis' campaign has reached a plateau, but he recognized their commitment to remaining in the race until the end.

The Georgia governor also expressed frustration with the length of an ongoing investigation led by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, a Democrat elected to the position. The investigation centers on former President Trump's actions following his loss in the 2020 election. Kemp voiced disappointment that the investigation has taken an extended period, and he expressed concern about the resulting erosion of trust in the system. However, he acknowledged that he eagerly awaits the appropriate time for Willis to disclose her findings.
